CREST / Eastern Michigan University OTI Outreach 501 Training for IAM/IBEW/ICWUC Members

osha 501

OSHA 501 Training

August 19 – 23, 2012

This week at WWW, IAM/IBEW and ICWUC DOE instructors from various sites throughout the country, completed an Outreach 501 class to obtain credentials that will allow them to provide OSHA General Industry Outreach 10 and 30 hour classes to students at their job sites. Their dedication and hard work is commendable.

Pictured Above:

              Carol Ellis, Chris Hughes, Matt Rhodus, Alan Armentrout, Amy Campbell, Willie Coleman                      

              Ronald Disney, Thomas Duncan, Scott Downing, Danny Cooke and Mike Crockett

Instructors: Pat Goble, Danny Reed, Michael Hinthorn, Teri McClendon, Bill Hoobler, Scott Filbey, Tom Frazee and Steve Fowee


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