During the week of February 14–18, 2011, two trainers from United Airlines, and 4 from Hawaiian Airlines Operations completed a 40 hour Dangerous Goods Train-the-Train program designed specifically for the Airline Industry. The training was held at Local Lodge 1979 in Honolulu, HI. The Associate Instructors may now deliver Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Material Awareness classes to selected locations at their carrier and Hazardous Materials Workers. The classes were developed by IAM CREST to enhance the current initial and recurrent training provided by Hawaiian or United Airlines for workers who handle dangerous goods. The training is funded by a grant from the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration. The awareness training stresses the importance of identifying dangerous goods, the associated hazards, and proper handling procedures.
Director of Ground Safety District 141: Eric Stenberg
I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Airline Grant Liaison: Stephen Rice
IAM – Site Coordinator for UAL in HNL: Ranol Fox
I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. – Hawaiian and United Trainers Pictured above are: (Left to Right) Wayne Goya (HAL-Agent/Hilo), Kawika Kahapea (UAL-Storekeeper/Oahu), Stephen Rice (IAM DOT Grant Liaison), Kenneth Takase (HAL-Chief Agent/ Kauai), Edward Kalima (HAL-Lead Ramp Agent/Hilo), Ranol Fox (UAL-Lead Ramp Serviceman/Oahu), Mike Feeley (HAL-Chief Agent/Maui)
IAM CREST Staff: Stephen Rice, Teri McClendon, and Steve Fowee