I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. 4-Hour Review of Setting Up a Joint Labor/Management Safety and Health Committee and Written Plan

garlock 2012 

Garlock Sealing Technologies

IAM District Lodge 65 and IAM Local Lodge 588

Palmyra, New York

October 23 – November 1, 2012

The Joint Steering Committee demonstrated their commitment by having IAM CREST provide a 4-Hour Review of the original Three-Day Setting Up A Committee Training which was held in April of 2012 and the Two-Day Supervisor and Union Representatives on Setting Up a Joint Labor/Management Safety and Health Committee and Written Plan held in May, to (481) employees (Labor and Management) at the Garlock Sealing Technologies facility in eight days. 

These 4-hour sessions emphasized the importance of joint relationships and how everyone must working together to accomplish their safety and health goal of an “ACCIDENT/INJURY-FREE workplace will be achieved through full employee involvement and participation”.    

During these 4-hour sessions participants learned how their union and company safety representatives originally set up their own Joint Labor and Management Committee and developed the necessary key elements and components for an effective and proactive safety committee.  Some of the key elements included organizational structure; identify committee roles and responsibilities and employee involvement. Each session identified barriers which need to be addressed by the Joint Steering Committee in order for the overall committee process to progress forward. The committee plans address the issues and communicate their action plans back to the entire facility.

In the original three-day setting up a joint labor/management committee class, both the company and union drafted a joint mission statement and outline their joint commitments to safety and the employees of Garlock Sealing Technologies by; defining improved overall communications, identifying training and on-going training requirements for the committee and sub-committees through organizational and process techniques.  At the completion of the April training class, participants developed a written plan for the joint committee that includes operating procedures, roles and responsibilities, employee involvement, reporting and problem solving processes. Both the joint mission statement and the written plan was shared in detail with all employees, the class participants had an opportunity to add suggestions to the written plan.    

Union Representatives: IAM Business Representative Ronald Warner and IAM Local Lodge President Ron Osborn

Management Representatives: Director of Operations Rick DeVolder, Sr. Environmental, Health and Safety Specialist Jon Neubauer and EHS Coordinator David Samsonik

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Instructors: Michael Hinthorn and Steve Fowee.

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