I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Southwest / AirTran CSA Hazardous Material Undeclared and Declared (Hidden Goods) Module Development Workshop

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IAM District Lodge 142

Las Vegas, Nevada

November 13-17, 2012

During the week of November 13-17, 2012, five CSA Southwest / AirTran I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T Associate Instructors from IAM District 142, completed a CSA Module Development Workshop for Handling Dangerous Goods (declared and undeclared) at the ticket counter and in reservations. This New Module was designed specifically to provide the workers with the skills about the hazards of accepting (declared or undeclared) dangerous goods in the airline industry.

The New CSA Handling module will be added to the curriculum for future Train-The-Trainer IAM CREST Associate Instructors for delivery to the airline workers.

All training modules are developed by IAM CREST specifically to enhance the current training provided by Southwest Airlines / AirTran Airways. Workers who handle dangerous goods by air receive training under a grant funded by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration. This training is an example of how the IAM demonstrates a pro-active approach to delivering quality training.

The individual training modules can be delivered to Southwest Airlines / Air Tran Airways hazmat employees and addresses the importance of identifying dangerous goods, the associated hazards, and proper accepting, handling and shipping procedures.

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Airlines Grant Liaison: Stephen Rice

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Staff: Outreach Coordinator/Instructor Michael Hinthorn, Project Coordinator/Instructor Steve Fowee and Associate Instructor Maryanne Sarik.

Class Participants: Lorraine Fraser, Janette Saciri, Israel Valdivia, Roxie Mitchell and Nina Caldwell.

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