Bath Iron Works Corporation
IAM District Lodge 4 and IAM Local Lodge S6
Bath, Maine
This is the first of seven sessions IAM CREST is providing classroom and hands-on training on a Two-Day Supervisor and Union Representatives Review of Setting Up a Joint Labor/Management Safety and Health Committee and Written Plan to the union representatives and the supervisors at the Bath Iron Works facility. These seven two-day sessions emphasize the importance of joint relationships in safety. At the end of each two-day session, both Labor and Management Representatives from IAM District Lodge 4, Local Lodge S-6 and BIW discuss the agreement between the Union and Company and answer questions.
Participants learned how their union and company safety representatives set up their own effective Joint Labor and Management Committee and developed the necessary key elements and components for a proactive safety committee. Some of the key elements included organizational structure; identify committee roles and responsibilities and employee involvement.
In the original three-day setting up a joint labor/management committee class, both the company and union drafted a joint mission statement and outline their joint commitments to safety and the employees of Bath Iron Works Corporation by; defining improved overall communications, identifying training and on-going training requirements for the committee and sub-committees through organizational and process techniques. At the completion of this October 2008 training class, participants developed a written plan for the joint committee that includes operating procedures, roles and responsibilities, employee involvement, reporting and problem solving processes. Both the joint mission statement and the written plan was shared in detail with all supervisors and union representatives during these two-day classes, each class had an opportunity to add suggestions to the written plan.
Union Representatives: IAM Grand Lodge Representative Tom Holl and IAM Safety and Health Chairperson Don Bowen.
Management Representatives: Vice President Operations Dave Clark and Acting Director Environmental Health and Safety Laura Mathisen.
IAM CREST Instructors: Michael Hinthorn and Steve Fowee.
First Class Participants: Jody Allen, Todd Barter, Denny Cole, Rhonda Cosens, Jeffery Dagneau, Charles Dorr, Wilbert Dulac, John Foster, Tim Gillogly, Frank Graziano, Tim Grondin, Charlie Hallett, Michael Lemay, Kenneth MacDonald, John Payne, Eugene Pearl, John Pomelow Sr., Shawn Randall, Guy Segars, Jeffery Staggs, Bert Vaillancourt and Timothy Vear.