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  • iMail , News May 1, 2007

    iMail for Tuesday, April 24, 2007

    Presidential Candidates to Join ‘Day of Action’ New York Senator Hillary Clinton, Delaware Senator Joe Biden and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich will address the Transportation Department’s 2007 ‘Day of Action’ rally in Washington, D.C., on May 17, 2007. The rally is aimed at highlighting the sacrifices and contributions of transportation workers worldwide. “Our goal is

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  • iMail , News May 1, 2007

    iMail for Thursday, April 19, 2007

    United in Sorrow and Grief The heartbreaking sound of gunfire this week at Virginia Tech echoed closer to home when it was learned that an IAM member’s stepson was among the 32 students and teachers killed in the nation’s worst school shooting ever. Ryan Clark, 22, a fourth-year Biology, English and Psychology major and stepson

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  • iMail , News April 19, 2007

    iMail for Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    DOE Revives Attack on Pensions In a stunning proposal that underscores the anti-worker animus of the current administration, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing guidelines that could eliminate defined benefit pension plans and retiree benefits for tens of thousands of DOE contract employees. “We would be very disturbed to see the resurrection of

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  • iMail , News April 19, 2007

    iMail for Thursday, April 12, 2007

    Flight Attendants Land at Winpisinger Center Nearly 100 IAM-represented Flight Attendants are attending District 142’s second annual Flight Attendant Conference this week at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Southern Maryland. Participants ranged from new hires with less than six months seniority to veterans with more than 30 years experience. Flight Attendants

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  • iMail , News April 19, 2007

    iMail for Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    Rally for Freightliner Jobs Two days after the last commercial Freightliner rolled off the assembly line in Portland, OR, hundreds of workers rallied in front of the Portland Federal Building on April 4 to protest the trade deals that are allowing good paying union jobs to be exported. More than 800 jobs in Portland were

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