After a thorough investigation, the National Mediation Board (NMB) has unanimously concluded that Delta Air Lines illegally interfered with the February 2010 Flight Simulator Technician representation election and has ordered the election to be rerun.
“The Board found that Delta’s conduct interfered with, influenced, or coerced employees’ choice of representative in an election conducted pursuant to Section 2, Ninth, of the Railway Labor Act (RLA).” The NMB’s complete decision can be viewed by clicking here.
The IAM’s complaints of interference included Delta promising raises on the first day of voting to only non-union workers and management conducting one-on-one meetings to influence workers.
The rerun election will be conducted using the NMB’s standard election procedure in place at the time of the IAM’s original election request filing. Therefore, any Flight Simulator Technician who does not vote in the election will be considered to have voted against union representation.
No election dates have been set yet.
All Flight Simulator Technicians should monitor the IAM’s Delta election website, for the latest election news.