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  • iMail , News November 3, 2009

    2009 IAM Photo Contest Winners Announced

      “De-icing Air Force One” by Jim Stewart The results of the 2009 IAM Photo Contest are in and the winners are: Jim Stewart, Local Lodge 2323 in Malton, Ontario, won first place for his photo “De-icing Air Force One” that shows members Nigel George and Al Johnston de-icing Air Force One during President Barack

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  • iMail , News November 3, 2009

    COBRA Subsidy Set to Expire

    A subsidy that paid 65 percent of COBRA premiums for unemployed workers is set to expire December 31st – that’s if Congress fails to pass legislation to extend it. The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provision has allowed many laid-off workers to continue health care coverage while unemployed. Without Congress’ help, many could lose

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  • iMail , News October 29, 2009

    Boeing Gambles on Failed Strategy

    After sucking hundreds of millions of dollars in tax incentives from the state of South Carolina, the Boeing Company this week concluded a months-long charade of indecision by announcing it will build a second 787 Dreamliner assembly line in North Charleston, South Carolina. The decision by Boeing executives is the latest move in an outsourcing

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  • iMail , News October 29, 2009

    President Signs Defense Bill, NSPS Repealed

    President Obama signed the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act this week, which included a provision to repeal the controversial National Security Personnel System (NSPS). The bill also contained several provisions impacting retirement benefits for the federal workforce.   “We applaud President Obama and Congress for their bold decision to repeal this anti-worker personnel system,” said IAM-NFFE

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  • iMail , News October 29, 2009

    Minnesota Rail Member Urges Support for JOBS Now!

    IAM Railroad Local 112 committeeman Royce Braaten of Minneapolis, MN, is talking the talk and walking the walk in an effort to help millions of unemployed Americans get back to work. Determined to help America’s more than 31 million unemployed get back to work, Braaten took it upon himself to distribute and collect postcards for

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