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  • iMail , News April 7, 2009

    iMail for Thursday, April 07 2009

    Machinists Denounce F-22 Funding Cut IAM leaders promptly denounced this week’s decision by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates to end funding for the F-22, the next-generation fighter aircraft that would have assured U.S. air superiority for years to come. “Not only is the decision to cut funding for the F-22 shortsighted militarily, but our economy

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  • iMail , News April 2, 2009

    iMail for Thursday, April 02 2009

    Minnesota Machinists Hold ‘Day of Action’ Rally  Hundreds of IAM members were joined by elected officials and area union members in Bloomington, MN, for a rally to support what is likely to be the largest and most important union organizing drive in decades. The “Day of Action” rally, organized by Local 1833, was part of

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  • iMail , News March 31, 2009

    iMail for Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    Moncure Machinists Return with New Agreement Striking members of Local W369 in Moncure, North Carolina, will return to work at Moncure Plywood with their contract and their dignity intact after ratifying a new three-year contract that preserves seniority rights and sharply restricts the amount of forced overtime employees can be required to work. “The new

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  • iMail , News March 26, 2009

    iMail for Thursday, March 26, 2009

    Obama Shows Support for Working Families In another show of support for unions and America’s working families, President Obama reemphasized the importance of giving workers the right to organize. During a town hall meeting in southern California last week, Obama said giving workers fair pay and “the opportunity to organize themselves” is, quite simply, the

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  • iMail , News March 24, 2009

    iMail for Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    IAM Demands Proper Use of TARP Funds The IAM is urging Department of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to set rules regarding the use of bailout dollars and how they are to be used by the banking industry. Among the latest series of reports regarding the widespread misuse of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds are

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