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  • iMail , News September 24, 2009

    Executive Pay Cuts Could Save Connecticut Jobs

    After battling for months with Pratt & Whitney over ways to save more than 1,000 jobs at two facilities in Connecticut, the IAM welcomed a suggestion by Connecticut Treasurer Denise Nappier to cut executive pay as a means to keep Pratt’s Cheshire and East Hartford operations open. “The loss of 1,000 skilled jobs at Pratt

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  • iMail , News September 24, 2009

    U.S. House Passes Extended Unemployment Benefits

    With job losses continuing and long-term unemployment reaching the highest level since 1948, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act (H.R. 5749) by a vote of 331-83. Despite predictions the recession is running out of steam, last month the national unemployment rate rose to 9.7 percent. The average length

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  • iMail , News September 24, 2009

    G.E. Balks at Talks to Save New Mexico Jobs

    In a move that underscores General Electric’s desire to close a jet engine facility in Albuquerque, NM, the company has refused thus far to extend the 60-day “meet and confer” period designed to find ways to keep the facility open. The 40-year old plant is responsible for more than 1,300 local jobs and generates more

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  • iMail , News September 24, 2009

    Minorities Bearing Recession’s Brunt

    The issues of poverty and race took center stage at the 39 th Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) this week. The 42-member CBC and thousands of guests converged on Washington, D.C., for a four-day debate about legislative and policy issues impacting the African-American community. Organizers focused on a newly released U.S.

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  • iMail , News September 24, 2009

    WWW Center Holds New Class for Metal Trades Locals

    Education Rep. Henry Bagwell leads discussion during a new class to enhance leadership skills for IAM members associated with Metal & Atomic Trades Councils. IAM local lodge officers who are associated with Metal & Atomic Trades Councils recently attended a new class at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center that was specially developed

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