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  • News September 16, 2009

    Family Friendly Workplaces: Unions Make a Difference

    Overall, union employees fare better in the workplace than nonunion employees with regard to policies that promote a viable balance between responsibilites at work and at home.  The main findings of the report include:   Companies with any unionized employees are 1.7 times more likely to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  Union

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  • News September 16, 2009

    Employee Free Choice Act — Better for Women and Minorities

    Below is a summary of the Employee Free Choice Act (HR 1409/S560) and explains why EFCA is good for working families: The Employee Free Choice Act (HR.1409 /S.560) was introduced for the 111th Congress in the Senate on March 10, 2009 by Representative George Miller (D-CA) and Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Here is a summary

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  • News September 15, 2009

    A World of Hurt

    President Obama took a bit of a victory lap on Wall Street on Monday, declaring that the economy had been brought back from the abyss and “the storms of the past two years are beginning to break.” The president and his economic team (and the Federal Reserve) deserve credit for moving quickly to prevent a

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  • News September 15, 2009

    Machinists President Leads Call for ?JOBS Now’

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pittsburgh, PA, September 15, 2009 – In one of the livelier moments of the AFL-CIO Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, the president of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) led 3,000 delegates and guests in a booming call for “JOBS Now!” The call to action was part of a speech

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  • News September 14, 2009

    Local President Opposes Tax Breaks for Foreign Steel(1)

    Ohio Local 1943 President and Directing Business Representative Scott Rich testified this week in Washington D.C. on behalf of hundreds of IAM members employed at AK Steel in Middletown, OH. The IAM members are concerned that their jobs could be at risk if the U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Board approves an exemption for duty payments

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