TCU/IAM National President, Robert Scardelletti, recently advised National and Local Lodge officers of a dues increase, amounting to 17 cents, which will become effective on January 1, 2016.
Beginning January 2016 the monthly dues rate will be increased by 17 cents, from $87.50 to $87.67. It is important to note that most employers make payroll deduction for union dues in the prior month. Thus, the January 2016 dues deduction for most members will occur in the month of December 2015 in order for them to be transmitted to the Union by the due date of January 1, 2016.
President Scardelletti’s letter also included information regarding the new COLA formula used to calculate this and future dues increases, as well as a detailed breakdown to show how monthly dues are split between the National Union, Local Lodges and IAM Grand Lodge. The COLA formula used to calculate annual dues increases was adopted by Lodge Delegates, attending the 2014 TCU/IAM National Convention, and replaces a formula that was in place for more than 35 years.
Click here to read President Scardelletti’s letter.