Arasa Division

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  • Arasa Division February 7, 2013

    The Amtrak MofE System Board Met in February

    Fron Left to right; General Chairman/5087 Robert Dube, General Chairman/5150 Michael Jordan, General Chairman/5086 Michael Miller, National Representative Joseph Derillo, General Chairman/5088 Rick Luck, General Chairman/5058 Michael Lachica, General Chairman/5085 Joseph English During that meeting, the officers had the pleasure of meeting with members of Amtrak MofE in the Los Angeles area to hear their

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  • Arasa Division July 23, 2011

    TCU/IAM Local 5093 Receives Two MNPL Awards of Excellence

    TCU Local Lodge 5093 received two MNPL Awards Of Excellence for 2010. The awards of excellence are presented to TCU/IAM Local Lodges for outstanding Contribution to MNPL. Local 5093 received: Top Percentage of Sponsoring Members in 2010 (giving $25.00 or more per year) Top Local Lodge in Dollars per Member in 2010 TCU National Representative Joe

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  • Arasa Division October 21, 2010

    New Program for Amtrak MofE Supervisors to get Training on Related Jobs

    A new voluntary program now allows MofE Supervisors to work and train on Amtrak jobs within the Maintenance of Equipment sector for a one week period.  This unique program is a great way for Supervisors to step out and explore different positions while at the same time acquiring knowledge and familiarity of other functions within

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  • Arasa Division June 2, 2010

    TCU Supervisors Attend Amtrak Safety Fairs to Heighten Safety Awareness

        Front Row Jim Castiglia Asst. Supervisor C&S, Elmer Glassing Supervisor C&S, Bob Dube Supervisor M/E, Mark Manning ARASA Safety Liaison Back Row – Joe DiGiacomo Supervisor C&S, Dave Swain, Supervisor M/E, Bob Bailey, Supervisor Track, Lou Pierce, Supervisor M/E & myself The purpose of these fairs is to heighten safety awareness on the

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  • Arasa Division December 1, 2009

    Members’ Grievance Form

    About Grievances: Duty of members – The Laws of TCU  contain specific provisions for the filing and progression of grievances. Grievances must be presented in writing by the aggrieved employee, giving all known facts to the Chairman of the Local or District Protective Committee (Article 1, Section 11 (a) of the Protective Laws).  To assist you

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