AFL-CIO/Red Cross (Indiana)
In Indiana, AFL-CIO Labor Liaisons to the Red Cross have been assigned to assist union members who have been affected by the widespread devastation floods and tornados. Many people are in need of services: now the AFL-CIO and Red Cross are asking TCU members to help identify anyone who needs help. If you, your family or someone you know needs help, call both the Red Cross hotline and the FEMA hotline:
Union Plus (Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin)
Also, those impacted by flooding who participate in Union Plus programs may have one less financial worry. The Union Plus Credit Card Disaster Relief Fund is available to help cardholders who are facing financial hardship due to the floods. Union cardholders are eligible to apply for Disaster Relief Fund grants of $500; the money does not have to be repaid.
To qualify for a Union Plus Credit Card Disaster Relief Fund grant, the union member must:
Have been a victim of the flooding in counties designated by FEMA as qualifying for individual assistance. They include:
Colorado: Larimer and Weld Counties
Indiana: Adams, Bartholomew, Brown, Clay, Daviess, Dearborn, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Henry, Jackson, Jennings, Johnson, Knox, Marion, Monroe, Morgan, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Sullivan, Vermillion, and Vigo Counties
Iowa: Adams, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Delaware, Fayette, Floyd, Hardin, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Louisa, Marion, Muscatine, Page, Polk, Story, Tama, Union and Winneshiek Counties
Missouri: Barry, Jasper and Newton Counties
Wisconsin: Crawford, Columbia, Sauk, Milwakee, Racine, Richland and Vernon Counties
Have experienced a significant loss of income or property due to the disaster.
Have been a Union Plus Credit Card holder for at least 12 months and have an account in good standing.
Describe his or her circumstances and document the income or property loss.
To apply for a Disaster Relief Fund grant, cardholders should call 1-877-761-5028. Other special assistance for cardholders includes skip payments, lower rates, fee waivers and other help.
Disaster victims who participate in the Union Plus Loan, Auto Insurance, and Mortgage programs may be eligible to receive payment extensions or other help from the program providers. Assistance plans vary by program provider. For more information about Union Plus benefits, visit
UnitedHealth Group has donated $100,000 to flood relief and recovery efforts, with $50,000 going to the American Red Cross and $50,000 to the Salvation Army. The insurance group has also announced a series of steps to help people who have been adversely affected by the floods. They include:
Establishing a
free help line staffed by experienced Master’s-level behavioral health specialists to assist with a range of personal concerns including stress, anxiety and grief. The toll-free line will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as necessary:
1-866-342-6892. Resources and information are also available at
UnitedHealthcare will observe a 60-day moratorium period for cancellation of any insurance policy for any fully insured policy holder residing with the Indiana, Iowa and Illinois impacted areas and a suspension of any penalty attached to late payment of premiums.
For those residing in Iowa, claims submissions have been extended 60 days when the timely filing was set to expire from June 16, 2008 through June 30, 2008. For those living in Illinois, claims submissions have been extended 60 days when the timely filing limit was set to expire beginning June 17, 2008 (no end date has been established yet).
Any member affected by the floods in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin may receive out-of-network benefits with no penalty if they do not have access to an in-network provider. The member should call the toll-free number on the back of his or her identification card and identify him or herself as affected by the flood in order to get approval.
Members who need other assistance or special accommodations due to the floods should call the number on the back of the medical identification card.
Posted 7/2/08