TCU’s Disaster Relief Fund: An Injury to One Is an Injury to All


Presenting Edmon with the TCU check are, from left, Vice President John Ross, Local Chairman Mike Schicker, Janet Edmon, President Joyce Johnson and Financial Secretary-Treasurer Richard Anderson.

When Janet Edmon, a member of Local 805 in Fort Worth, Texas, lost her home in a house fire late in the year 2007, she soon found out what TCU solidarity is all about.  “We jumped to help her right away,” reports Local President Joyce Johnson.  “She lost her home on a Monday night and on Tuesday we were already jumping to help her in any way we could.”  That help included a spaghetti dinner held to raise funds two days later.  Local officers also contacted Unit 46 to start the wheels in motion to apply for help from TCU’s Disaster Relief Fund.  Seen in the photo 

(posted 2-29-08)
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