Air Transport

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  • Air Transport September 28, 2012

    Flight Attendant Union Coalition Endorses President Obama

    The FAUC praised the Obama Administration’s appointments to government agencies responsible for air transport safety, modernization and labor relations and noted that the President’s decisions have shown competence and a true dedication to safety, the future of air transport and the rights and needs of passengers and Flight Attendants. From Left to Right: Hasan Solomon,

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  • Air Transport September 20, 2012

    ITF Youth Conference Held in Montreal

    The conference explored strategies to build and mobilize international solidarity in the global transport sector. Youth activists also grappled with complex issues such as the global economic crisis, climate change and the persistent problem of insecure employment. “It is vital that we engage young IAM members and access their incredible energy and knowledge in the

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  • Air Transport September 18, 2012

    NMB Certifies IAM to Represent Fleet Technical Instructors at United Airlines

    In proceedings before the Board dating back to 2011, IAM attorneys countered United’s attempt to split off portions of the craft or class of FTIs, also known as Ground Instructors, and deprive them of union representation. IAM attorneys successfully argued that historical NMB class and craft determinations at sub-UA should apply to the combined group

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  • Air Transport August 13, 2012

    IAM and United Agree to Expedite Contract Talks

     “Airline consolidation has complicated industry negotiations, no more so than at United Airlines,” said IAM District 141 President Rich Delaney. “We believe that focused, expedited negotiations can produce agreements that recognize the value of IAM members to United’s operation. We will leverage the Machinists Union’s substantial resources to attain the contracts our members want, need

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  • Air Transport August 9, 2012

    IAM Calls on Turkish Government to Reinstate Workers

    In a meeting with Turkish Embassy officials in Washington D.C., Pantoja lodged an official complaint on behalf of the IAM and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and sought the immediate reinstatement of the 305 members of the ITF affiliate, Hava-Is. Turkish Embassy officials committed to relay the complaint to the Turkish Ambassador to the

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