Air Transport

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  • Air Transport June 6, 2012

    Take the 2012 Joint Air Transport safety Committee (JATSC) Safety Survey

    The purpose of this survey is to get feedback from you about the current safety measures in place at your work.  This survey will further explore a few specific areas of concern that were identified in the 2010 Safety Survey.  This survey has been developed by the IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee (JATSC) and

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  • Air Transport June 4, 2012

    NMB Affirms Ramp/Fleet Service Election Results

    The National Mediation Board (NMB) today announced its decision regarding the protest filed by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) of last year’s Ramp/Fleet Service representational election at the airline formed by the merger of United Airlines, Continental, and Continental Micronesia.. The NMB found the election’s conditions were not tainted and upheld the IAM’s historic

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  • Air Transport May 30, 2012

    NMB Affirms Flight Attendant Election Results

    “Although we are disappointed with the Board’s decision, we respect its determination,” said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “The IAM is honored to have represented Continental and Continental Micronesia Flight Attendants. We are very proud of the many accomplishments we achieved together, including contracts that continue to set the Flight Attendant standard in overall compensation,

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  • Air Transport May 24, 2012

    District 19 Railroad Local Chairmen Meet at Winpisinger Center

      “The IAM’s history is woven into the history of rail transport in the United States” said International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Our shared past is proud and the Chairmen at the Winpisinger Center this week are a vital element in our collective effort to preserve and improve the living standards of IAM members  working in the

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  • Air Transport April 20, 2012

    IAM to Weigh US Airways Take-Over of American Airlines

    The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today reassured its members at US Airways that it will aggressively represent their interests in any potential takeover of bankrupt American Airlines. “The IAM’s first responsibility is to protect the seniority, job-security, wages, benefits and pensions of our members at US Airways,” said IAM Transportation General

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