IAM District 19 Railroad Members Attend a DOT Train the Trainer Course in Charleston, SC., May 1 – 5, 2017
Charleston S.C. was the site for training 10 new I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T Associate Instructors from IAM/TCU & District 19. Railroaders from IAM/TCU Local Lodges across North America completed a DOT PHMSA Railroad Train the Trainer program. The class curriculum is specifically designed to provide railroad participants the skills necessary to educate other railroad workers about the dangers of working around hazardous materials shipped by rail. The class participants are now IAM CREST Associate Instructors. Participating members demonstrated an outstanding professional ability to deliver quality educational training for the membership.
Railroad awareness training modules are designed to enhance the current safety training provided by employers in the rail industry. Railroad workers who may find themselves in a First Responder situation receive the awareness training under a grant funded by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA). This training is another example of how the IAM demonstrates a pro-active approach to delivering quality safety training for the membership.
The individual training modules may be delivered to any first responder employees. The program stresses the importance of identifying hazardous materials and the hazards associated with them including; First Responder Awareness, Hazard Recognition, Hazardous Material Regulations, Agencies, Security, Toxicology, Chemical and Physical Properties, Resources, and HMR Regulatory Review.
A comprehensive Shop Safety Brief Guide is also presented and available free of charge to attendees and IAM/TCU members.
I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Staff Lead: Programs/Projects Coordinator/Instructor Steve Fowee
I.A.M C.R.E.S.T. Associate Instructor‘s / Material Specialists: Gayle Kelly, Beth LePosa, Kurt Poole
Class Participants: Nicholas Poteet, Timothy R. Moore, Gary P. Hall, Todd Davies, James R. Snavely, Mark M. Shampine, Michael D. Stump, Edward L. Matney, Michael C. Royster, Cody Rohrig