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  • iMail , News September 23, 2009

    Kentucky ’s Ken Koch Honored for Decades of Service

    Long-time IAM activist Ken Koch was presented this week with the 2010 Labor Person of the Year award by the Kentucky Labor Cabinet and the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. Koch has been active in the Louisville and Kentucky labor scene for decades. The 35-year IAM member is president of both District 27 and Local

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  • iMail , News September 23, 2009

    Taxing Union Health Care Benefits?

    On Sept. 16, Senator Baucus (D-MT), Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, released a deeply flawed health care reform bill that fails to meet the most basic promise of health care reform, and threatens to shift more costs to employees represented by labor unions. IAM members in Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota,

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  • iMail , News September 23, 2009

    New Mexicans Supports Machinists at General Electric

    Local 794 President and Directing Business Representative Ernest “Red” Dow, addresses the Albuquerque City Council in favor of a resolution calling on General Electric to preserve the G.E. Aviation plant in Albuquerque. The resolution passed unanimously. With less than 72 hours remaining before the conclusion of a 60-day “Decision Bargaining” period, support is pouring in

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  • iMail , News September 23, 2009

    Machinists to Sue Pratt & Whitney over Plant Closures

    The IAM announced it would file a lawsuit in federal court following news this week that Pratt & Whitney (P&W) would close its Cheshire Overhaul & Repair facility and the Center for Airfoil Repair (CARO) in East Hartford, CT. The lawsuit is the next step in a battle to save more than 1,000 IAM jobs

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  • iMail , News September 23, 2009

    Global Federations Demand Action on Jobs Crisis

    As leaders from across the world prepare for the upcoming G20 summit in Pittsburgh, PA, three Global Union Federations, representing 55 million industrial workers, are calling on the economic powers to focus on the worldwide jobs crisis. Leaders from the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF), the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine

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