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  • iMail , News October 27, 2009

    Seattle Newspaper Distorts IAM Talks with Boeing

    With articles and editorials worthy of a supermarket tabloid, the Seattle Times appears to be taking a lead role in the campaign to blame Boeing workers for any decision by the company to establish a new production line in South Carolina. Citing unnamed sources, the paper published stories about “secret” meetings and a stalemate over

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  • iMail , News October 27, 2009

    Lockheed Agrees to $1.4 Million Settlement over Firings

    It’s no secret that companies frequently discharge workers engaged in organizing drives, confident that the time it takes to resolve an Unfair Labor Charge (ULP) will far exceed a worker’s resolve and financial ability to keep fighting. In addition to a lengthy and cumbersome ULP process, the penalties are often so small as to actually

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  • iMail , News October 27, 2009

    On November 3, Make History in New Jersey

    In just one week, on November 3, union members in the Garden State will have an opportunity to cast ballots for candidates and issues that will affect them for years to come. In an effort to educate members about the issues and how workers will be impacted, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO is holding a

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  • iMail , News October 23, 2009

    Act Now for Public Option

    This is an urgent call to action to ensure the House passes health reform with the most robust public option possible. House Democratic leaders are now meeting to decide what kind of public option should be included in their bill. At issue is how reimbursement rates for doctors and hospitals would be set under the

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  • iMail , News October 22, 2009

    Support Grows for Public Option

    A new Washington Post-ABC News survey on health care reform shows support for the public option is rising. The report shows that while Americans are still divided on the bills currently making their way through the House and Senate, a clear majority, 57 percent, now favor a public insurance option, compared to 52 percent two

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