President Obama signed the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act this week, which included a provision to repeal the controversial National Security Personnel System (NSPS). The bill also contained several provisions impacting retirement benefits for the federal workforce. “We applaud President Obama and Congress for their bold decision to repeal this anti-worker personnel system,” said IAM-NFFE
Read moreIAM Railroad Local 112 committeeman Royce Braaten of Minneapolis, MN, is talking the talk and walking the walk in an effort to help millions of unemployed Americans get back to work. Determined to help America’s more than 31 million unemployed get back to work, Braaten took it upon himself to distribute and collect postcards for
Read moreMembers of Local 1295 in Toronto, ON, who transport non-emergency ambulatory patients for Ambutrans have ratified their first collective agreement. The four-year agreement provides wage adjustments in the first year as well as wage increases of two percent in each year. Other agreement highlights include: paid lunch; meal allowance for long distance trips; overtime and
Read moreSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he will present the Senate with a health reform bill that includes a public option, but one that allows individual states to opt-out. News of Reid’s decision comes just two weeks after the Senate Finance Committee’s 14 to 9 vote on a bill that excludes any type of government-run
Read moreWith articles and editorials worthy of a supermarket tabloid, the Seattle Times appears to be taking a lead role in the campaign to blame Boeing workers for any decision by the company to establish a new production line in South Carolina. Citing unnamed sources, the paper published stories about “secret” meetings and a stalemate over
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