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  • iMail , News May 1, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, May 1, 2008

    Virginia Auto Parts Strike Yields Gains  A short strike in Blacksburg, VA, yielded a stronger contract for 200 members of Local Lodge 2533. The four-year agreement at Federal Mogul, an auto parts manufacturer, expires in 2010, but the contract had a wage opener in April. The company offered a $500 lump sum for 2008 and

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  • iMail , News April 29, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, April 29, 2008

    April 28, a Day to Remember  Machinists gathered this week for a solemn service to honor fellow members who perished on the job or from work-related conditions during the past year. The names of five IAM members were inscribed on bricks and set among 240 others at the IAM Workers’ Memorial on the grounds of

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  • iMail , News April 24, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, April 24, 2008

    IAM Urges Congress to Reject Airline Mergers  IAM President Tom Buffenbarger meets with IAM members from Northwest Airlines following the hearing on airline mergers before the House Judiciary Committee. IAM members from as far away as Detroit converged on Capitol Hill today as International President Tom Buffenbarger urged members of the House Judiciary Committee to oppose consolidation plans

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  • iMail , News April 22, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Boeing Seeks No Pensions for New Hires  In 2005, IAM members at Boeing facilities in Kansas, Oregon and Washington rejected a divisive contract offer from the company and voted overwhelmingly to strike. Despite record profits and a long list of backordered aircraft, the Boeing Company is signaling it will try to replace its traditional defined benefit pension plan

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  • iMail , News April 17, 2008

    iMail for Thursday April 17, 2008

    Trade Offsets Threaten U.S. Jobs, National Security According to a new report by IAM Trade and Globalization Director Owen Herrnstadt, the U.S. government’s failure to develop a coherent policy on trade offsets, a form of outsourcing, has resulted in thousands of lost jobs and the transfer of technological innovation to other countries.  This transfer poses a serious threat

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