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  • iMail , News January 19, 2006

    iMail for Thursday, January 19, 2006

    AFL-CIO President Rips Outsourcing as ‘Suicidal’ In a wide-ranging address before reporters at the National Press Club in Washington, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney renewed the federation’s call for universal health care, increases in the minimum wage and an end to the rampant outsourcing of U.S. jobs to low-wage foreign countries. Sweeney also predicted the Employee

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  • News January 17, 2006

    Machinists Commemorate King Holiday

    In a section of old Baton Rouge known as Beauregard Town, IAM members joined with thousands of marchers from across the country for the AFL-CIO’s annual march to commemorate the birth of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. The parade capped off five days of events in Louisiana and was one of dozens of nationwide observances

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  • News January 17, 2006

    Continental Flight Attendants Set to Vote

    Continental Airlines Flight Attendants will begin voting January 18, 2006 on a tentative agreement reached with the Houston-based airline last month.  The terms of the four-year tentative agreement include preservation of wage rates and progressions for current Flight Attendants; top base pay rate increased to $50 per hour prior to amendable date; no furloughs for

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  • iMail , News January 17, 2006

    iMail for Tuesday January 17, 2006

      Gulf Coast Hurricane Survivors Honored Dozens of IAM members in Louisiana and Mississippi whose lives were turned upside down by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita gathered last week in Picayune, MS to mourn their losses, share experiences and draw strength from each other for the challenges ahead. “There are brothers and sisters here today who

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  • iMail , News January 12, 2006

    iMail for Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Machinists Continue Strike at Boeing After requesting a meeting with IAM Aerospace Coordinators, the Boeing Company then balked at restarting formal negotiations over issues that led to a strike at Boeing space and defense facilities in Florida, Alabama and California. According to a bulletin by Aerospace Coordinators John Crowdis, Frank Santos and Dick Schneider, Boeing

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