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  • News January 5, 2006

    Abramoff Scandal Set to Widen

    January 5, 2006 – GOP super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty this week in Washington, D.C. to three counts of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials. Abramoff later pleaded guilty in Florida to charges of fraud and conspiracy. In both cases, Abramoff agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and provide evidence about members of

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  • News January 5, 2006

    GVP Brown Throttles Cheney over Harley Visit

    January 5, 2006 – “Is Vice President Cheney coming to the Harley-Davidson plant to announce a change in the administration’s trade policies that have cost so many U.S. workers their jobs?” asked Midwest Territory GVP James E. Brown about a planned visit by the Vice President to the legendary motorcycle maker’s facility in Kansas City,

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  • iMail , News January 3, 2006

    iMail for Tuesday, January 3, 2006

    CEOs Rake in Big Pay, Bonuses and New Perks America ’s CEOs are still raking in the big bucks and leaving shareholders and workers to pay the tab. The median year-on-year total CEO pay rose 30 percent in 2004. The average increase was a whopping 91 percent, according to researchers at the Corporate Library. They

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  • iMail , News December 20, 2005

    iMail for Tuesday, December 20, 2005

    Father, Daughter Team Hard to Beat Some hereditary traits are known to skip a generation or weaken over time, but loyalty and tenacity just keep getting stronger at one IAM family in the Eastern Territory, The legendary Paul Kelly served the IAM and its members in Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island as a local

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  • iMail , News December 15, 2005

    iMail for Thursday, December 15, 2005

    Machinists Rout Teamster Raid at ATT The IAM defeated the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) decisively in a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election to determine representation rights for nearly 1,800 drivers employed by Auto Truck Transport (ATT). The vote total as reported by the NLRB was 946 for the IAM and 338 for the

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