National Bargaining – TCU and TCU Carmen Division Serve Section 6 Notices on the Industry

TCU and TCU Carmen Division served our Section 6 Notices upon the industry. These notices seek a wide range of improvements and while all issues will be discussed during this round of National Negotiations, our priority will be Wages and Health and Welfare. Those were the two top priorities in the TCU survey.

We at TCU expect this round of bargaining to be long and very contentious. As reflected in the industry’s Section 6 Notices upon us, they’re singing the same old sorry song; we’re over paid, our healthcare is too rich, and our work rules need to be eliminated. TCU President Bob Scardelletti said, “This is not going to happen…We know the deck is stacked against us, but we also know we have overcome insurmountable odds against us in the past and we will again this time. We will because our cause is just and right.”

Click here to read the Clerk Section 6 Notice.

Click here to read the Carmen Section 6 Notice.

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