The Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan insurance companies are offering emergency resources to those impacted by Hurricane Dorian. They released information on details and contact numbers for affected individuals in need of emotional support, prescription supplies, vision wear, dental, medical care and more. HealthAdvocate services are available to help locate in-network providers in
Read moreUnion Plus recently awarded $170,000 in scholarships to 108 students representing 34 unions, including three winners representing the Transportation Communications International Union (TCU/IAM). This year’s group of scholarship recipients includes university, college, and trade or technical school students from 31 states plus the District of Columbia. The TCU/IAM winners are: Taylor Miller of Oswego, Illinois.
Read moreAs you may be aware, Capital One recently announced a data breach that may have impacted millions of credit card applicants. Union Plus has shared some information that the data breach impacts credit card applicants for Union Plus TCU/IAM Credit Card through Capital One. Union Plus shared the following information on the breach: According to
Read moreThe Union Plus Scholarship Program application for study courses beginning in the Fall of 2020 is now available at The Program awards annual scholarships to eligible union members, current and retired, their spouses and dependent children. The recipients are chosen based on outstanding academic achievement, personal character, financial need and commitment to organized labor
Read moreThe House of Representatives has overwhelmingly voted to repeal a tax on high-cost health insurance plans under Obamacare known as the “Cadillac tax.” The 419-6 vote is a signal of bipartisan unity against a key provision of the Affordable Care Act. The 40% tax on high-cost plans is meant to help subsidize other plans under
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