Air Transport

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  • Air Transport July 23, 2012

    Flight Attendant Coalition Praises Inclusion of Flight Attendants Into Known Crewmember

    “Flight Attendants across the United States have secured a top priority: inclusion in the alternate, expedited security screening program, Known Crewmember. Flight Attendants are key partners in aviation security. Providing the same access to expedited, alternate screening for all crewmembers will help advance aviation security and the overall travel experience for passengers. “Including Flight Attendants in

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  • Air Transport July 20, 2012

    US Airways’ Parker Dines With American’s Unions, Disses Own Employees

    Parker claimed to have labor’s support of the merger, repeatedly citing the attendance of the Transport Workers Union (TWU), the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) and the Allied Pilots Association (APA). When questioned as to why US Airways’ unions were not invited to the soiree, Mr. Parker stated awkwardly, “They’re at work.” “Doug Parker

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  • Air Transport June 21, 2012

    Airline Alliance Unions Meet in Buenos Aires

    During the meeting, the One World of Labour Council (OWOLC) – the coalition of unions representing workers at Oneworld Alliance airlines – will also launch a new film and webpage. The new webpage,, and seven minute film One World, One Voice: How Global Unions Tackle Aviation Alliances are the latest campaigning tools in the

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  • Air Transport June 21, 2012

    NMB Weighs Election Rules for Airline Mergers

    Prior to the new legislation, the NMB required signatures from 35 percent of the employee group for whom union representation was sought. The new standard, favored by anti-union Republicans in Congress, increases the showing of interest requirement from 35 to 50 percent. While the Republican-led House of Representatives did manage to impose language in the

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  • Air Transport June 14, 2012

    United Airlines Maintenance Instructors Vote IAM

    “We are honored that the Maintenance Instructors voted for IAM representation” said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “We welcome the pre-merger Continental Maintenance Instructors into our great union and we thank our pre-merger United members for their continued support.” The NMB authorized the election in May due to the merger of Continental, Continental Micronesia and

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