Would you and your co-workers like to enjoy these benefits and become members of the IAM?

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Contact Us:
9000 Machinists Place
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772
Phone: (301)967-4717


Elderly Housing Development & Operations Corporation



National Prescription Drug Take Back Day


2020 Medicare Part A and B premiums and deductibles





Medicare Open Enrollment Dates Set For 2019 Coverage

Enrollment Options and dates.



Double Health USA:  “2019 Medicare Rx Drug Changes –

Closing the Donut Hole”

2019 Medicare RX Drug Changes – Closing the Donut Hole

“Even if the Medicare Part D pays 75% of the Rx drug costs, if you are

unfortunate to fall into the donut hole, you could still have significant costs.”


Social Security and Medicare, 2018 Current Facts and Figures from the Alliance for Retired Americans

Social Security and Medicare Fact Sheet 2018

12 Questions and Answers about Medicare and Medicare Plans

In recognition of and in accordance with IAM Policy III.6, we are providing this information because it contains information that may be helpful to our retirees.  However, the union is not endorsing any product, and is not responsible for any agreement you may choose to enter into with Double Health USA.


Drug coverage (Part D)



Social Security and Medicare Information



FYI and FAQ’s on Social Security and Medicare



Longer-Term Effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 on Medicaid Spending


2018 Save Medicare & Medicaid; The New Tax Law & Its Affects on Seniors


Save Medicare and Medicaid Advocacy Toolkit 2018



Click Benefits.gov for answers to your questions about disability benefits or assistance.  Then click “State
benefits gov

 WISER Women“Improving the long-term financial security of all women through education and advocacy” For more information on financial security for women please visit http://wiserwomen.org/


Click pbgc.gov for answers to your Pension Benefit questions.


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