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  • iMail , News June 5, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, June 5, 2008

    EPI Study Fuels Debate on Tanker Jobs A new study of the decision to award a $40 million taker contract to EADS/Airbus instead of Boeing reveals just how many jobs will not be created in the U.S. once production gets underway. “Because roughly half of the parts and labor that go into making the

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  • iMail , News June 3, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    Shareholders Urged to Scuttle NWA-Delta Merger The IAM sent letters this week to the largest shareholders of Northwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines to express serious concerns over the proposed Northwest-Delta merger. “I urge shareholders of Delta and Northwest to protect their interests and speak out to oppose this proposed merger,” said IAM President Tom

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  • iMail , News May 29, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, May 29, 2008

    Negotiations Herald New Era at Hawker Beechcraft The IAM marked an historic occasion this week with the opening round of contract talks between Locals 733 and 2328 and Hawker Beechcraft, the newly-formed company that resulted from last year’s sale of Raytheon’s aircraft division to Onex Corporation. These negotiations find Hawker Beechcraft well-positioned in a booming

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  • iMail , News May 27, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    Doubt, Resistance Grows Over Airline Mergers On Capitol Hill and in the court of public opinion, airline mergers have been getting a chilly reception. At a House Transportation Subcommittee hearing held last week to examine the proposed Delta-Northwest merger, Transportation GVP Robert Roach, Jr. declared: “A Delta-Northwest merger will eliminate jobs, reduce choices for passengers,

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  • iMail , News May 22, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Kentucky Local Wins Big in Overtime  Persistence and attention to detail paid off for 57 members of Local 681 in Louisville, KY, who recently shared a six-figure arbitration settlement over a company policy that unfairly restricted overtime in their workplace. Two years ago, managers at the Alcoa Louisville Foil Plant proposed what became known as

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