A strong delegation of Local 1315 members and their families turned out for the Entertainment Industries’ Revlon Run/Walk for Women May 10 in Los Angeles. “Actually,” President Maggie Cook reports, “It was a 5k Run/Walk and Roll—I was in a wheelchair.” Starting at the L.A. Coliseum, participants went through the USC and Exposition Park areas,
Read moreClick here to read the June 25, 2008 conclusions from the survey. ***** May 16, 2008—The AFL-CIO and its community affiliate, Working America, have just launched online this year’s Ask a Working Woman survey enabling union women to share workplace concerns about issues such as equal pay and stronger family and medical leave laws. Click here to
Read moreMay 1, 2008—The annual Union Women Summer Schools are sponsored by the United Association for Labor Education (UALE) in cooperation with the AFL-CIO and the Coalition of Labor Union Women. At these programs union women learn and hone skills, receive new information, and network with union sisters from across their region. The Western Regional Summer
Read more2007’s Last FSTs’ Seminar Held in Los Angeles Click here for more about the November training session. IAM 2007 Course for Communicators September 30-October 5, 2007—Close to half the class consisted of TCU representatives at the IAM’s Communicator Course this year. It was held at the William W. Winpisinger Center in southern Maryland. Training was for
Read moreApril 25, 2008—From April 15-17 actors, janitors, longshore workers, many other workers and their supporters in the community marched 28 miles from Hollywood, California, to the docks of Los Angeles in San Pedro. The march concluded with a massive rally late in the day on the17th at the Port of Los Angeles. Joining them were
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