An arbitrator’s decision in a grievance filed by TCU versus the Yellow Transportation Company went in TCU’s favor. The decision is worth about $50,000 according to TCU International Vice-President Joe Condo. The grievance was filed when TCU members lost their positions due to the company decision to dovetail the seniority rosters. Combining of seniority from
Read moreHoward Isaacson from TCU Local Lodge 894 received a disaster relief check. Isaacson’s home was destroyed by fire. Pictured when receiving the check from left to right are; Local Chairman Lodge 894 Milo Moawad, Brother Howard Isaacson and his wife, and IR Tom Truhler. TCU Disaster Relief forms can be obtained from your Local Chairmen
Read moreA seminar on collective bargaining was held February 14 – 19, at the IAM Winpisinger Center. The class covered many topics in collective bargaining: Research for Negotiations Proposal Presentation Pension and Healthcare Issues Pension Bargaining Legal Issues Committee Negotiating Contract Drafting and Closing The seminar was attended by TCU Local 6132 Chairman Harold Holsinger, Local
Read moreIn a recent meeting of newly established Local 961the following officers were installed into office: Rick Blackburn – Local Chairman Connie Koechner – Fin. Sec/ Treas Pat Crawford – Vice Pres Sara Hoskin – Recording Sec Claudette Bridges – President Pictured are the officers above from left to right and International Representative Tom Truhler.
Read moreTCU/ARASA Amtrak On-Board Supervisors recently won a historic victory, when Arbitrator Edwin Benn ruled that Amtrak violated their collective bargaining agreement by creating management jobs to perform the work of abolished ARASA On-Board Chief positions. As a result of the award, the Carrier returned the disputed work to ARASA and created 19 new ARASA positions
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