February 14, 2008—In the Pacific Northwest, seen here at the February 5 meeting of Amtrak Lodge 2513 in Portland, Oregon, are, from left to right, (seated) Financial Secretary-Treasurer Brad Brailsford and Local Chairman Kevin Graham; (standing) Board of Trustees Member Mark Rachford, President Nancy Wolkenhauer, Chair of the Board of Trustees Sylvia Mollers, new Board
Read more“Agitate, educate, organize!” What better day to dedicate a statue of Samuel Gompers, the union leader whose words those are, than Labor Day? International Representative Sam Siriano was on hand in Chicago’s Gompers Park on September 3, 2007 to represent TCU and its Allied Services Division at the ceremony. The ASD was one of the
Read moreJanuary 23, 2008—At the regular monthly meeting held in Columbus, Ohio, officers of TCU Lodge 6760 were installed for the next three year term. Seen here from left are Local Chairman Steve Wilhelm, Board of Trustees Chairman Steve Pequignot, FST/Recording Secretary Rob Reisinger and President Phil Amadon. Not seen is newly-elected Vice President R. Lance Wagner. Also at
Read moreIR Kloos Visits Amtrak members of Lodge 2507 in El Paso.
Read moreLodge Officers Installed by IVP Lydon Below are Trus. Bd. Chrmn. Pete Anderson, VP Rufus Humphrey, IVP John Lydon, Asst. Int’l. Rep. Earl Lancaster, Local Chrmn./Pres. Alfredo Alvarez, Trus. Bd. Mbr. Oscar Muriel, Jr., Committeeman Carlos Megar and FST Les Bishop. December 11, 2007—At Lodge 938’s meeting today, newly-elected officers repeated their oaths of office and
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