The IAM Executive Council
The nine members of the IAM's Executive Council  direct IAM affairs between conventions. The council is elected every four years by secret ballot.

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The IAM Executive Council
R. Thomas Buffenbarger International President

Warren Mart General Secretary-Treasurer

Lee Pearson
GVP Western Territory

Dave Ritchie
GVP Canada

Robert V. Thayer
GVP Headquarters

Robert Roach, Jr. GVP Transportation

Lynn Tucker  GVP Eastern Territory

Robert Martinez GVP Southern Territory

James E. Brown GVP Midwest Territory


Robert Roach, Jr.
General Vice President
Robert Roach, Jr. joined the IAM as a ramp serviceman for TWA and a member of Local Lodge 1056 in New York. He was elected shop steward in 1976 and served as Grievance Committee Chairman from 1979-1992. He was elected District 142 General Chairman in 1992. Roach was appointed as a Transportation Department Special Representative and a Grand Lodge Representative 1994-96; IAM Vice President of Transportation June 1, 1999. Roach earned a BS degree in Labor and Management Relations at the Empire State Labor College and graduated from Cornell School of Labor..