The IAM Executive Council
The nine members of the IAM's Executive Council  direct IAM affairs between conventions. The council is elected every four years by secret ballot.

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The IAM Executive Council
R. Thomas Buffenbarger International President

Warren Mart General Secretary-Treasurer

Lee Pearson
GVP Western Territory

Dave Ritchie
GVP Canada

Robert V. Thayer
GVP Headquarters

Robert Roach, Jr. GVP Transportation

Lynn Tucker  GVP Eastern Territory

Robert Martinez GVP Southern Territory

James E. Brown GVP Midwest Territory


Robert V. Thayer
General Vice President
Robert Thayer initiated into IAM Local Lodge 147 in 1965 as an electronic assembler and tester at the Brown & Sharpe Co, Rhode Island. Shop Steward, 1966; Local Lodge VP, 1970; President, 1973; Board of Incorporators, Rhode Island Group Health Association; Board of Directors, United Way, S.E. New England; labor representative GATT negotiations, Geneva, Switzerland; Business Rep. District Lodge 64, 1978 Special Rep., 1989; Grand Lodge Rep., 1990; IAM Vice President, 1997. Born Feb. 18, 1943. Thayer and his wife, Marion, have three sons and six grandchildren.