The IAM Executive Council
The nine members of the IAM's Executive Council  direct IAM affairs between conventions. The council is elected every four years by secret ballot.

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The IAM Executive Council
R. Thomas Buffenbarger International President

Warren Mart General Secretary-Treasurer

Lee Pearson
GVP Western Territory

Dave Ritchie
GVP Canada

Robert V. Thayer
GVP Headquarters

Robert Roach, Jr. GVP Transportation

Lynn Tucker  GVP Eastern Territory

Robert Martinez GVP Southern Territory

James E. Brown GVP Midwest Territory


Robert Martinez
General Vice President―Southern Territory
Bob Martinez joined the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in 1980 with Local Lodge 776A, Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge 776 in Fort Worth, Texas as an Aircraft Assembler. He served on many committees and in various positions with his local lodge throughout his employment at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Fort Worth Division.

In 1994, Brother Martinez was assigned to the International Chemical Workers Union Center for Worker Safety and Health Education in Cincinnati, Ohio to serve as the liaison to this Federal Consortium of Education. He was assigned in 1995 to serve in the Safety and Health Department. He also served as a Project Coordinator for the Corporation for Re-Employment and Safety Training (IAM CREST) and for the Center for Administering Rehabilitation and Employment Services (IAM CARES).

In 1999, with the addition of the Territorial Education Representatives, Brother Martinez was assigned by International President Tom Buffenbarger to serve as the Education Representative of the Southern Territory on General Vice President George Hooper’s Staff in Dallas, Texas.

In April 2002, Brother Martinez was re-assigned as a Special Representative and served in that capacity until assuming the office of General Vice President of the Southern Territory in July 2003.